Yes, we are so stupid that we decided to ride a 13 hour bus to Dallas (the time on a car is 10 hours). And let me just say that the entire ride was a torture. Kids screaming, people who don't wash their hands after going to the restroom, people hooking up.
That's right, people hooking up in a bus. Can you believe it? There we were witnessing to strangers having to sit together due to lack of seats and next thing we know they wake up in the most intimate of circumstances. God I was shocked, the entire trip was just a slap to the face of how insane my generation is.
You see, I have this deep theory that I was supposed to be born in 1950 but accidentally got sent 41 years into the future to 1991. So I regard this whole generation as lost and judge it as if I belong to another. Sometimes I have to remind myself that I was never even a second thought when the Beatles played in their rooftop.
So as this trip took place I am now scared of what future generations hold. Here, the things I despise about my generation.
The Dancing
According to probably the first purposes of dancing was due to performing rituals. Since then dancing has very much evolved (obviously). During the colonial periods it was considered immoral and illegal. And in Britain during the nineteenth century (my favorite era + place) it was the most important form of meeting people and most importantly your possible future spouse. But I wan to talk about dancing in the last 60 years.
So I began writing this post with the purpose of illustrating how dirty dancing is now so common and how it wasn't before. But damn was I wrong.
So according to a history website dirty dancing was very common with the Egyptians. It was a sort of foreplay to having sex. Some couples that wanted to conceive would go to the temple and witness these "rituals" thinking that they would become more civilized. So I was wrong in thinking this is a new "trend." This has been going on forever. In the 1700's and 1800's these acts were reserved for whore houses and in private, then the first strip tease bar surfaced in France.
But what now is common as grinding in the dance floor has origins in a popular for named "the Bump." But many attribute this style to some grinding style of dancing found in the Lambada craze popular in Brazil. From then on things changed right to a middle school dance floor. It's so disturbing, a guy literally grabbed me and expected me to dance, then he dissed me and nodded and walked away! I was so appalled. Oh well, I really hate that dancing, I thought I would love it but man was I wrong. Here, a link teaching how to properly dance in the correct manner.
So that was one thing, the same night I witnessed these atrocious dancing acts I saw something that was worse. A girl lap dancing a stranger with her vagina hanging out. Yes, her vagina. I could not believe it. The girl was sober!!!
So after having a heart attack at all the visuals I decided that my generation truly is lost. I mean, who wears shorts, tshirts and flip flops to go out? Or semi-prom dresses to "grind". I am worried for the future generations. But oh well. There goes my rant. Good bye!
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